File Storage

File Storage

Intent provides a useful file storage abstraction for various file systems like Local (Linux, Mac, Windows), AWS S3. It provides simple drivers to work with your files. You can easily change your drivers without breaking a sweat, as the APIs remain the same.


The configuration is stored at config/filesystem.ts. By default, a local disk is already configured for your immediate use, you can take a look at the config file to understand the disk.

Below we have explained the different disk configurations available which you can use.

import { fromIni } from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers';
import { StorageOption, registerAs } from '@intentjs/core';
export default registerAs(
() =>
default: 's3',
disks: {
s3: {
driver: 's3',
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET,
credentials: fromIni({ profile: process.env.AWS_PROFILE }),
local: {
driver: 'local',
basePath: 'resources',
}) as StorageOptions,

That's it. You don't need to do anything else, IntentJS would automatically read filesystem config namespace and configure the disks.

Intent provides an excellent way to use different storage providers inside your application, without changing any line of code. It's a pure configuration play on the application level. Every driver follow a simple and consistent API.

We currently support the following storage providers.

  1. AWS S3
  2. Local File System

Amazon S3 Disk

S3 is an highly scalable object storage solution provided by AWS. You can learn more about it here (opens in a new tab)


driver: 's3',
bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_DOCS_BUCKET,
accessKey: process.env.AWS_KEY,
secretKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
credentials: fromIni({ profile: process.env.AWS_PROFILE })

If you don't want to use the traditional accessKey and secretKey for authentication, we provide a generic attribute credentials which you can use to add your suited credential logic from @aws-sdk/credential-providers package. You can read more about it here (opens in a new tab).

Local Disk

You can use the local disk to manage the file objects stored locally on your system.


driver: 'local',
basePath: 'storage/uploads', // relative path wrt to your project's root.
baseUrl: '',

To serve the file objects from your project, have a look at serve-static (opens in a new tab) module by NestJS.


We understand that while working on a big project, you may sometime encounter case where you will have to handle multiple type of files and filesystems at once.

While drivers help you to differentiate between the different storage provides for each disks. Disks help you create logical distinctions between different types of storages.

For example: While building an e-commerce application, you may want to handle the uploaded invoices and products differently. With the helps of different disks configuration, we can easily implement it.

import { registerAs } from "@intentjs/core";
export default registerAs("filesystem", () => ({
default: "docs",
disks: {
invoices: { // `invoices` disk, will contain the invoices of all the orders passed so far
driver: "s3",
bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_DOCS_BUCKET,
credentials: fromIni({ profile: process.env.AWS_PROFILE }),
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
products: { // `products` disk, will contain photos of all the products
driver: "s3",
bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_PROFILE_PIC_BUCKET,
credentials: fromIni({ profile: process.env.AWS_PROFILE }),
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,

Above, we have created two different logical partitioning of invoices, and products disks without writing any extra code 😎.

To switch between the different disks, you can make use of the disk method from the Storage facade. To access any disk other than the default, you can simply pass the name of the disk to the method.

import { Storage } from "@intentjs/core";
Storage.disk("invoices"); // return the instance of the `invoices` disk

Now let's say, you want to access products disk,

import { Storage } from "@intentjs/core";
Storage.disk("products"); // returns the instance of `products` disk

Dynamic Disks

If you would like to build disks dynamically, you can do so with the help of method.

import { Storage } from "@intentjs/core";
const driver ={
driver: 'local',
basePath: 'storage/uploads2',
// [StorageDriver] instance


Intent comes with very simple APIs to interact with your filesystem. We will see the usage of different methods provided by Storage facade.

Reading a file

For example, to read a file irrespective of the driver, you can use get method. The method returns a Buffer content of the file.

await Storage.disk("invoices").get("order_1234.pdf");
// returns buffer content of the pdf file.

If you want to read a file as a JSON, you can make use of the getAsJson method.

await Storage.disk().getAsJson('config.json');

If you want to get a signed url for a particular object with an expiry, you can use the signedUrl method to do so

await Storage.disk().signedUrl('profile_pic.png', 60, 'get');


signedUrl method is only supported by s3 disk.

Uploading a file

To upload the files, we provide several methods which you can use as per your convinience.

Let's say you want to put a file on a particular path, you can simply do

await Storage.disk("invoices").put("order_23456.pdf", bufferContent, {
mimeType: "application/pdf",

You can also use signedUrl method to signed url with an expiry to upload a file directly to a client.

await Storage.disk().signedUrl('sample.txt', 60, 'put');


signedUrl method is currently only supported by s3 disk.

File Deletion and Migration

Storage has multiple in-built methods for deletion, copying and migration of files.

The delete method is used for deleting a particular file.

await Storage.disk("invoices").delete("order_23456.pdf");
// returns true if delete is successfull, else false

To copy file from one source path to another destination path within the same disk, you can use copy method.

await Storage.disk().copy('file.png', 'new_file.png');
// returns true if copy is successfull, else false;

If you want to move a file within the same disk, you can use move method. The method will copy the file to the new destination and delete from the current path.

await Storage.disk().move('file.png', 'new_file.png');
// returns true if movement is successfull, else false.

There might be some cases where you would want to perform the copy and move operations between two different disk, ie from a source disk to a destination disk. You can make use of the copyToDisk and moveToDisk method respectively.

await Storage.disk().copyToDisk('file.png', 'disk_name', 'new_file.png');
// returns true if copy is successfull, else false;
await Storage.disk().moveToDisk('file.png', 'disk_name', 'new_file.png');
// returns true if movement is successfull, else false.

File Meta Operations

Intent also comes packed with some other file operations like checking if a file exists, or is missing, etc. You can use these methods to perform your tasks without downloading the complete file.

To check if a file exists, you can use the exists method.

await Storage.disk("invoices").exists("order_23456.pdf"); // returns true or false

Alternatively, if you want to check if a file is missing or doesn't exists, you can use the missing method.

await Storage.disk("invoices").missing("order_23456.pdf"); // returns true or false

If you want the meta information related to a file, you can use the meta method.

await Storage.disk("invoices").meta("order_23456.pdf");
path: 'sample.txt',
contentType: 'txt',
contentLength: 14,
lastModified: 2024-07-14T13:43:37.000Z

If you only want to get the size of a file, you can use the size method, it returns the size of a file in bytes.

await Storage.disk().size('file.png');
// 1234

The mimeType method will help you get the mime type of a file.

await Storage.disk().mimeType('file.png');
// image/png

To check the last modified timestamp of a file, use the lastModifiedAt method. It returns the native Date object.

await Storage.disk().lastModifiedAt(path);
// 2024-07-14T13:43:37.000Z
